I love Food

I love Food.

I don't know if you read it right. Let me write that again.

I love Food.

Now that we have that clear, let me tell you what exactly I love about food. I like the taste, the flavor, the recipe, the effort, the method, the attention, the love, the history, the culture, the ingredients and the spices (yes spices and ingredients for me are different, I'll reveal this in time). There is something about eating good food and understanding how it became the way it is today and appreciating the entire process. For me, food is why people exist.

Food has got people together, apart and brought the world to the current state of existence. Let me say it again, I love Food.

I live in Singapore, the melting pot of the South East Asian, Indian and Western culture. A great place to be a Foodie. I've got very few boundaries and high limits when it comes to experimenting with Food, so I will try something at least once before I form an opinion. And these opinions are not firm, keeping them firm goes against my principle of experimenting, hence this blog is all about my present state of mind, which will of course change and evolve as I do. So be ready to take a contradicting journey with me. You'll love it for sure.

I like art too, so apart from my rants about food you will be introduced to my wandering minds' idea of art, in terms of posters, photography, poetry etc. And somewhere you'll see it all connects to Food :).

I saw the poster below in a restaurant in Dublin in 2007. I didn't get time to take a picture then, but I came back and searched for it online and there it was.  I spent some time investigating where it came from, and the story goes as follows...

It was created in 1917 during (the end of) World War I. The US Food Administration was responsible for sending the food to the font line soldiers and started seeing a shortage of food in general. The poor were starving the rich were spending their savings on food and probably wasting it at the time due to over-purchasing and hoarding.  The Government was keen on War initiatives and wanted to win. Their strategy was to keep the war efforts going on to beat the opponent on pure stamina. They needed to ship out more food to the front lines!

Many campaigns during the era were based on how food should be saved and stamina  would win the war . The Government passed the Food and Fuel Control act in 1917 as a wartime emergency measure. More details about the Food and Fuel Control Act during the War can be found here.

Well we all know what happened next World War was over and the Great Depression ensued. That's the story behind the poster.

The reason I liked it then and still like the poster is because it is straightforward and is all common sense, 6 steps of eating right, all year round, irrespective of whether there is a war or not. NTS: I've got to put this poster up somewhere in the kitchen. I'll stop here and let the image fill your thoughts.
