Sourdough loaf - first place to start with a bubbling sourdough starter

Sourdough has changed my life. It allows me to make healthier breads with natural yeast and I like the sour taste. Having had SIBO in the past, I pay attention to FODMAPs. Commercial breads have higher FODMAPs. On the other had, due to the natural breakdown of carbohydrate during the Sourdough process, the FODMAP's are lower. I can enjoy a nice toast of sourdough bread without feeling bloated. As you can see, I'm a big fan.

While I make boules and breads, these require technique and its very easy to get discouraged if your sourdough efforts meet the bin. As a first bread for those who are experimenting for the first time, I'd encourage you to try this loaf. Its easy and will build your confidence in the art of making bread.

Sourdough Loaf


Flour - Whole wheat flour - 200gm + All purpose flour - 200gm - 100%
Lukewarm milk - 150gm - 37.5%
Water - 200gm - 50%
Starter - 100 gm - 25%
Salt- 10 gm - 0.025%

Let's get started

Step 1 - Add flour, milk, water in a large bowl and mix well. Make sure to remove any dry flour. Do not over knead. You'll be left with a mass that is moist. Leave it for 3 hours

Step 2 - Fold in starter and salt and fold in well. Thoroughly knead in the starter and salt for about 5 minutes till well incorporated. Let the dough rest for 4 hours (this is in temperate climate like IN/SG, might vary where you are longer in colder places) - You should be able to get a good window pane at this point.

Step 3 - Let the dough rest for 1hour. Take a loaf tin, add some oil on the sides. Add fine semolina. This helps remove the bread easily once baked.

Step 4 - shape the dough into a rectangle and roll it into a cylinder shape, tuck the ends and place it in the loaf pan. Take care to make it a tight roll. You have a few choices to make here. If you're baking the next day, place it in the fridge overnight and bake in the morning. If you're baking the same day. Let the dough rest for 3-6 hours, or till you see it raise up by 1/3rd of its size.

Step 5 - Preheat oven to 220c Optional but recommend that you do a quick egg and milk wash on top and sprinkle oats/seeds of your choice. Bake for 45 mins. 

Step 6 -Let it cool and cut slices and relish your amazing sourdough loaf.

Notes - 
1. You need a 100% fed starter. Also to bring the starter to good health, feed it for 2 days straight before you bake the bread and twice on the day before. It will allow the starter to do its job well
2. I prefer not to go whole wheat and have a bit of APF. If you're going with WW, feed the starter WW flour and let it strengthen with that as a feed.
