Vegan Burger Patty

Vegan burger patty (aka Clean out the fridge burger) 

This burger came to being as we took all of the things out from the fridge and realized, there's just a little bit of too many things. So why not mix it together and make something new. So here goes:

1. Rummage the fridge for cooked and uncooked vegetables, carbs and lentils. I found Horsegram 1/4 cup, 1/4 cup pearl millet, beans stir fry 1/4 cup, mixed boiled vegetable 1/2 cup (broccoli, carrot, peas), 2 boiled potatoes. 

2. Took the Horsegram and put it in the oven to dry it out. Adds to the crunch and bite to the burger. Pro-tip I saw this in a bean burger recipe by @kenjilopezalt

3. Put all the ingredients in the food processor. Add salt, pepper, paprika and cumin. Blend to get it all mixed.

4. You may need to add some breadcrumbs if the mixture is too wet

5. Shape and fry.

6. And like the avengers - assemble and enjoy!

Note - while the patty is vegan, we added the cheese slices as my kiddos love it. Also next time I might add olives, parmeggiano into the burger mix for extra taste. I also wanted to add cashew but as I was hungry I ate it as I cooked the burger.
